Dynamics 365 Report — Havens Consulting

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Dynamics 365 Report


To replace the demo data with your own opportunity data:

  • Log into your Dynamics 365 account

  • Navigate to the desired CRM sales account

  • Copy/paste the root URL from the webpage, and paste into the parameter

    • E.g. https://havensconsulting.crm.dynamics.com/

    • Please make sure to include the “/” at the end of the root URL

If you have a win/loss status code value, you may specify it in the Opportunity Won/Loss Status Code parameters. This will populate the second page of the report with win/loss details.

Parameter Input Screen.png

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Consulting & Training

We provide many consulting services related to Power BI or Excel reporting. Including everything from Data Acquisition with Power QueryData Modeling, or Visualization & Design.

Our services range from customized co-development, to structured training depending on the client's needs.

Articles & Videos

We also have numerous articles, videos, and other content we publish multiple times a month on various media platforms.

Many of these articles showcase great practices, techniques, or other important information related to Power BI or Excel.