Posts filed under Bookmarks

Multiple Text Options for Button Navigators in Power BI

Video by: Reid Havens

Learn how to combine button navigators to create a multiple (alternative) button effect options for either the Page or Book Navigator objects in Power BI. This allows for greater customization of a selected vs unselected effect and text display for any active page or bookmark. Tune in to learn more!

Two Ways to Create Single Value Input Slicers in Power BI!

Learn about two techniques for creating a single value input Slicer in Power BI Desktop!

The first method will apply a technique outlined in a SQLBI article (link below) that uses Tabular Editor to allow native columns (fields) to be modified to allow single value slicer types to be used with them. One consideration is that this technique is not officially supported by Microsoft.

The second method shows you an officially supported method for adding a single value input slicer. This alternative way implements a WhatIf parameter and leverages some clever DAX and relationships to achieve the same result.


SQLBI Single Value Slicer
HTML Content Viewer (Daniel Marsh-Patrick)

Video by: Reid Havens

Removing the Filter Pane Visibility Toggle for Bookmarks - with Mathias Thierbach

A common pain point for model authors using bookmarks is that the bookmark toggles the open/closed visibility status of the Filters pane at the time of the bookmark creation. This occurs each time the bookmark is activated. This video shows how to use PBI-Tools to easily edit the bookmark code in the PBIX file, and remove the link between the bookmark and the filter pane visibility with ease! Tune in to learn more. 😎


In 2015, after having spent over ten years as a Software Developer and Architect with Microsoft technologies, Mathias Thierbach moved into the Microsoft BI space. He soon landed on Power BI, but also realized quickly that the development and engineering tools and practices were nothing like the ones well established in software development. This is how pbi-tools started as a project, filling this gap in tooling. Today, leading a growing data management team at YouGov, he experiences the benefits of those efforts every day. Having open sourced the project in fall of 2021, Mathias spends a lot of his free time bringing those practices to the wider Power BI community now.


PBI Tools
PBI Tools Intro & Setup
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