(Livestream Replay) ChatGPT...Fad or Future? - Practical use-cases for Power BI - with Mathias Halkjær


As chatbots become more prevalent in the business world, many companies are wondering if ChatGPT is just a passing fad or if it has real staying power.

A new tool that has the potential to help us streamline our workflows by providing automated assistance with tasks such as data modeling, coding, design and troubleshooting, or end up sending us down the wrong alley or implement buggy code.

It is truly a double-edged sword.

In this session, we will explore practical use-cases and cautions to be taken for ChatGPT in Power BI, covering everything from data modeling, coding, project planning, troubleshooting errors, proposing best practices and all the way to the major troubles it will cause us if we trust it blindly.


Mathias is self-proclaimed data platform fanatic on a mission to help leaders leverage their data to transform the way they do business.

With a background in Product Development and Innovation, Mathias offers a unique perspective to analytics and will often babble on about data as products, data prototypes, and the importance of user research. He often finds himself taking several steps back to focus on the bigger picture, and with his slightly rebellious attitude, he will much rather try to break the rules, norms, and industry standards than follow them blindly.

Several years of experience working with data in high-tech, high-growth companies have taught him a thing or two about working with and designing data platforms and data models for fast-paced analytics with quick turn-around from problems or user needs to insights.


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Posted on January 10, 2023 and filed under Livestreams.