Creating a Bullet Chart Custom Visual Using Deneb for Power BI

Learn how to create an (IBCS style) Bullet Chart custom visual using the Deneb Bespoke Visual Creator, created by Daniel Marsh-Patrick. Plus see some enterprise alternatives to creating your own bullet chart when we explore the AppSource store and other pre-built custom visualizations.


Vega and Vega-Lite are "visualization grammars" developed by the University of Washington Interactive Data Lab. They use a declarative, JSON-based format and this can also be used to build a range of bespoke visual designs with significantly less effort than coding from scratch. Deneb is a Power BI visual (currently in public preview) that exposes these languages and lets you bind data from your model to them.


Daniel's Website
Daniel's Twitter
Deneb Visual Builder

Posted on November 23, 2021 and filed under Custom Visuals, Livestreams, External Tools.