Tabular Editor 3: [DAX] Debugger Walkthrough in Tabular Editor 3! - with Daniel Otykier

It is no secret that DAX is a relatively complex language which is difficult to master. Most data model developers have probably experienced a situation, where the DAX code did not return the expected result. In this situation, it is helpful to break down the code, variable by variable and function call by function call, to better understand what is going on.

Until now, this "breakdown" of the code was a tedious and time consuming task, which often involved capturing DAX queries executed by client tools, in order to break them down and execute smaller pieces of the queries in DAX Studio or SQL Server Management Studio.

Tabular Editor 3 introduces the concept of the DAX debugger, which is a tool that makes the process of stepping into the DAX code of your model, much, much easier! At a conceptual level, the debugger is similar to traditional IDE debuggers, such as the one found in Visual Studio when developing C# applications.


Daniel is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and CTO of Tabular Editor ApS – the company behind the tool.


DAX Debugger
Tabular Editor 3
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