Posts tagged #DAX Functions

Testing Your Code Using the [DAX] Query View!

Video by: Reid Havens

See some examples on how to leverage the DAX query view to save some of your test code, and staging tables. A great improvement from having to save hidden test and development report pages in your PBIX file. Tune in to learn more!


Jeffrey Wang Livestream
Working with DAX Query View

Posted on February 6, 2024 and filed under DAX, Power BI Features.

(Livestream Replay) DAX Query View Best Practices & Historical Context - with Jeffrey Wang


The November Desktop release's public preview of the DAX Query View has ignited excitement among the DAX community. This feature represents the first new view since the inception of Desktop, joining the existing trio of Report View, Data View, and Model View. This addition is poised to transform the way DAX programmers approach their craft, encouraging them to write their own DAX queries more frequently.

A common challenge with DAX lies in its flexibility, as multiple methods often exist to achieve similar results. DAX queries are no exception; the community has already begun discussing various functions capable of producing comparable query results. In this episode, we will delve into the recommended functions and patterns for writing DAX queries. We aim to demystify the best practices recommended by the product team by exploring the historical context of their development.


Jeffrey has over twenty years of experience in the BI industry and joined the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services team in 2004. As a co-inventor of the DAX programming language, Jeffrey has watched it grow from an unknown language to one that is widely used worldwide. His latest projects in DAX include the development of the recently announced Visual Calculations.



Posted on December 29, 2023 and filed under Livestreams, DAX, Power BI Features, Power BI.

(Livestream Replay) Demystifying [DAX] Evaluation Context - with Brian Grant


โ€œDAX Evaluation Contextโ€, just the name alone strikes fear into the heart of even seasoned Power BI developers. The reality however, is that Evaluation Context in DAX isnโ€™t hard to understand, itโ€™s simply hard to describe. In this session Brian Grant will use a technique called "Formula Decomposition" to visually break down a big DAX formula into a chain of smaller, bit-sized sub-formulas; this in turn will create the platform needed for Brian to make the concepts of Evaluation Context both clear to understand and easy to remember.

At the end of the presentation you will both have a clear idea of how to visualize Row and Filter Context, and also understand how the sub-formulas leverage these contexts to produce the answers you see on a Power BI page. Furthermore, the next time you look at a big intimidating DAX formula, you will know how to break it down into bite sized chunks so they can be understand one at a time.


Hailing from the East side of beautiful Portland Oregon, Brian is a Senior Business Analytics consultant with local data heroes Skypoint. Having spent his early years deep in the study of acting and screenwriting, he finally graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Economics. His driving belief is that the biggest barrier most people face when learning technology isn't technology at all, but language. Taught the right way, most people can learn most things; helping people learn skills that are "too technical" for them is his greatest joy. He is the author of the Elements of DAX series on YouTube.



(Livestream Replay) [DAX] Window Functions & Tabular Editor 3 - with Daniel Otykier


The Power BI December 2022 update included some exciting new DAX functions, that are all the buzz recently. Letโ€™s explore these new functions using Tabular Editor 3โ€™s DAX debugger to see what we can learn from them.


Daniel is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and CTO of Tabular Editor ApS โ€“ the company behind the tool. Tabular Editor is a popular tool for managing and editing Microsoft Power BI, Analysis Services, and Azure Analysis Services models. With a background in data analysis and business intelligence, Daniel has a strong understanding of the challenges and needs of BI professionals. He developed the Tabular Editor as a solution to streamline the process of managing and editing tabular models, and it has since become a go-to tool for many in the industry.


Tabular Editor Site
Daniel's Twitter
New DAX Functions (Dec โ€˜22 Power BI Release)

Posted on January 6, 2023 and filed under Livestreams, External Tools, DAX.