Posts filed under Power BI

(Livestream Replay) Optimizing Your Report with the Report Analyzer Tool! - with Michael Kovalsky


In this livestream, we will explore the Report Analyzer tool, an open-source external tool for analyzing and improving Power BI reports. This tool is designed to help Power BI developers/admins match Visual IDs from Log Analytics to specific visuals in their Power BI report. Additionally, Report Analyzer provides a visual interface for prioritizing performance troubleshooting. Learn how to fully take advantage of this tool in order to effectively design performant Power BI reports.

GUEST BIO- Michael Kovalsky 👤

As a member of the Power BI Customer Advisory Team (CAT) at Microsoft, Michael advises top enterprise customers with regard to data modeling, DAX optimization, performance optimization, best practices, and optimizing development processes. His experience in Power BI stems from years developing highly sophisticated tabular models for Microsoft's internal reporting - taking Power BI to the max. Michael has also created a plethora of tools and scripts for the community (which are available on his GitHub page) with the goal of empowering Power BI users with more advanced capabilities.


Michael's Blog
Michael's GitHub
Michael's Report Analyzer
Michael's LinkedIn

(Livestream Replay) Why Should I Be Interested in the ExecuteQueries Endpoint of PBI REST API? - with Štěpán Rešl


At the end of last year, one called ExecuteQueries was added to the endpoint portfolio in the Power BI REST API. It is an endpoint that allows you to extract data directly from datasets. Although it also brings limitations, I think that its advantages outweigh them. So what can it be used for, and why should I be interested? Tune in to find out!

GUEST BIO- Štěpán Rešl 👤

"Don't say something cannot be done, or someone who doesn't know will come and do it.". This motto describes me very well. I would say because I am trying to find a path even on fields where paths shouldn't be. I'm the MVP of Data Platform (Power BI) and a co-founder of a company called DataBrothers, where I work as a Lead technical consultant. Primarily I am working with Microsoft Power Platform Technologies (Power BI, Flow / Automate, and PowerApps) and am the Author of the Czech PBI blog Jakna Power BI (translated "How to Power BI").


Štěpán's Twitter
Štěpán's LinkedIn
Tirnovar (
ReporTee (Power BI Guided Learning)

[DAX] Anti-Patterns Episode Ten - Filter Columns Not Tables! - Part 2 (with Daniil Maslyuk)

A lot of videos and articles teach you how to write [DAX]. In this series Daniil Maslyuk and I will show you you how avoid bad [DAX] patterns, and In this episode, we're discussing the performance implications of filtering whole tables instead of columns.


Daniil Maslyuk, MVP, is an independent consultant and the author of the official Microsoft Power BI exam reference books.


Bravo (External Tool)
DAX Formatter
Daniil's Blog
Daniil's Twitter
Daniil's LinkedIn

Posted on May 24, 2022 and filed under Power BI, DAX, Topics & Discussion.

(Livestream Replay) Application-Like Development Techniques - with Sam McKay

Discover a range of techniques to build reports in Power BI that are more like a web application. Covering design tips, navigation designs, and much more!


Sam is the Founder and CEO of Enterprise DNA, a global authority on Power BI. He helps individuals and organizations develop data-driven cultures and create enterprise value by delivering business intelligence (BI) training and education on Microsoft’s Power BI platform. To make that happen, he partner's with business decision-makers and analysts across all industries and business functions which include Financial Services, Consumer Goods, Energy, Retail, Insurance, and others.

