Posts filed under Power BI Features

P3: PBI Spotlight - NEW & IMPROVED Tooltips

Article by: Reid Havens

Hello again P3 Nation! I’m SUPER excited today to talk about an updated feature in Power BI Desktop. This month had a bunch of updates, all of which are pretty great. Some of my favorites are that bookmarks are now out of preview, among others. In fact, that full list of updates can be found here.

What I’d like to talk about, however…was my FAVORITE new feature in months. What I’m talking about, is the newest (and AWESOMESAUCE) addition to Tooltips. Now, Tooltips have been around for a few years in PBI Desktop. However, they legitimately changed everything about Tooltips. It’s better, faster, stronger, cooler. Trust me when I say you’ll be amazed at what they can do now.

P3: Power BI Feature Spotlight: Report Drill Through

Article by: Reid Havens

Every month Power BI gets an update that adds a nice handful of  new features. Here at P3 we ALL get excited for this! We often stand around the water cooler talking about all the new features.When a REALLY exciting feature comes out we get as gleeful as school children! Well starting this month we want to share our excitement with you. We will showcase our favorite features (typically one to two) with you, with the aim to give you a few more ways to use the new features.

P3: DAX Reanimator Series: Moving Averages Controlled by Slicer (Part 1)

Article by: Fred Kaffenberger

Report Design by: Reid Havens

In 2013, Rob showed how to use a disconnected table and slicer to show moving averages with a variable time period. That post built on an earlier post, which steps through the process of creating moving averages. What-If-Parameters, teased at…

Posted on September 1, 2017 and filed under PowerPivotPro, DAX, Intermediate, Power BI, Power BI Features.