Everyone is familiar with the NASA countdown. T-minus-10, 9, 8... Anyone who has ever built a Power BI report knows how to publish that report. But ground control has a lot of work to do after liftoff. And a Power BI pro's work does not stop after they hit the 'Publish' button. The name for that work is operations. As Power BI matures, it is critical that we spend time and effort on operations. This work comprises monitoring, maintenance, user support, ongoing development, and change management among other things. Let's kick start the conversation around Power BI operations:
• What to do
• Out of the box features
• Tools you can build and buy to support operations in your organization
He slices! He dices! When it comes to Power BI, Greg Baldini does it all, and he is here to show you how to, too!
Co-founder of Argus PBI, Greg has a decade of experience with DAX, Tabular, and the Power BI family of tools. His career has been spent in solving hard problems for clients and seeking deep understanding of the fundamentals of data analysis.