Automatically Rename CamelCase Columns in Power Query!

Video by: Reid Havens

Learn about a technique to to rename columns containing either CamelCase or underscore (_) title formatting in Power Query. This technique was originally posted by Jani Zajc (links below) who collaborated with Gil Raviv to create this technique, and which was inspired by a post by Chris Webb (so many people!). Tune in to learn more!


CamelCase Renaming
Chris Webb's Post
FourMoo Other Renaming Technique

Posted on November 14, 2023 and filed under Power Query.

(Livestream Replay) Why OneLake is a BIG DEAL in Microsoft Fabric - with Pawel Potasinski)


One of the key pillars of Microsoft Fabric is that it’s lake centric and open. At the core of this pillar there’s OneLake - a single, unified storage system for all your data. In this conversation Pawel and Reid will discuss and *** demo *** the benefits of OneLake for data professionals and organizations working with Fabric.


Member of the Microsoft Fabric Customer Advisory Team (CAT), focused on community management and engagements. In his professional career Pawel has always been associated with data engineering and analytics (SQL, BI, Big Data). Founder of the Polish SQL Server Users Group (PLSSUG), today known as Data Community Poland. Regular speaker at conferences, community events and user groups. Former Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP).


OneLake documentation
Fabric blog
Fabric community
Fabric ideas
Fabric readiness repository

Posted on November 10, 2023 and filed under Livestreams, Fabric.

Three Techniques for Curating the User Experience in Power BI!

Video by: Reid Havens

Learn about three primary techniques for simplifying and curating the user experience for reports in Power BI. There's a mixture of art and science that goes into smart report design, especially designs that minimize pop-ups, distractions, and user interactions. Tune in to learn more!


PowerBI.Tips Theme Generator
Theme Generator (Livestream)
PBI Explorer
PBI Explorer (Livestream)
Dynamic Analytics Line

(Livestream Replay) Building a Digital Nervous System using Data Activator - with Will Thompson


Data Activator is a new product in Microsoft Fabric that monitors data in Power BI reports and Event streams for when the data hits certain thresholds or matches other patterns. Then it automatically takes appropriate action such as alerting users or kicking off Power Automate workflows. You can use it to build operational systems of detection to automate actions over changing data. Will leads the product team, and is here to show how you can get started with demos and discussion around the product.


Will is a self-confessed data geek, working his way through sysadmin and DBA roles before joining Microsoft. He spent 5 years helping customers in the UK implement and get value out of Microsoft’s BI solution. When an opportunity arose to move into product engineering in 2012, he jumped at it and took ownership of Power BI’s visual and modeling features. In 2022 he started running Product Management for Data Activator, a new product for monitoring and acting on changes in data.


Will's LinkedIn
Product Blog
Fabric Community

Posted on November 2, 2023 and filed under Livestreams, Data Activator, Fabric, Power BI.