(Livestream Replay) Create your own Power Query Connector for Power BI & Dataflows - with Miguel Angel Escobar


Ever wanted to connect to a data source that is not listed in Power BI or Dataflows? This session will show you everything that you need to know to better understand the landscape of connectors in Power BI and Dataflows, how to connect to sources not listed in Power BI and when / how to create your own connector for Power BI and Dataflows.

GUEST BIO (Miguel Angel Escobar) 👤

Born and raised in Panama City, Panama. I’m currently a Program Manager at Microsoft for the product that changed my life: Power Query. Before this Program Manager role, I was the Principal Consultant and President of my own company based in Panama called Powered Solutions which was a Microsoft Gold Partner in Data Analytics for many years. I'm a former Microsoft MVP, MCP, MCT and author of books related to Data Prep and Data Analytics.


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Creating Your First Connector
Power Query SDK Overview

Posted on February 23, 2024 and filed under Livestreams, Power Query.

(Livestream Replay) Level Up your Power BI Game with Field Parameters! - with Nikola Ilic


Game changer! How many times you’ve heard this when a new feature hit the Power BI ecosystem? But, not all of these features lived up to these high expectations. Field parameters don’t belong to that group, as they truly changed the way we’re building our Power BI solutions.

In this demo-packed session, you’ll learn what are Field parameters, in which scenarios they’ll become your “best friend”, and how to solve some of the most common challenges related to Field parameters implementation (who said, the selected value of the field parameter and conditional formatting).


Power BI and data addict, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Pluralsight Author, blogger, speaker...Interested in everything related to data - always eager to extract valuable info from raw data in the most effective way. Multi-year experience working with (predominantly) Microsoft Data Platform (SQL Server, SSAS, SSIS, SSRS, and Power BI). Father of 2 and true football (and Barca) fan!


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Posted on February 20, 2024 and filed under Livestreams, Data Modeling.

Power BI Semantic Model Best Practices (PIMP) Script!

Video by: Reid Havens

Learn how to run a series of scripts in Tabular Editor 2/3 to (PIMP) out your Power BI semantic model. Quickly and efficiently enhancing it's design, features, and other items! Tune in to learn more! GUEST BIO (Alexander Korn) 👤 Expert in Power BI and experienced business analyst with a demonstrated history of successfully implementing BI reporting solutions in various industries. Further skills: SSAS, IBCS, PBIRS, Excel, T-SQL, DAX, MDX, and PowerShell.


Expert in Power BI and experienced business analyst with a demonstrated history of successfully implementing BI reporting solutions in various industries. Further skills: SSAS, IBCS, PBIRS, Excel, T-SQL, DAX, MDX, and PowerShell.


Link for the script
PBI Idea for “Write Operations for External Tools”
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